Welcome to ICRAITMS-2020 || Conference Brochuer ||


ICRAITMS-2020 aims to provide common platform to all the leading academic scientists,researchers and research scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research ideas in theadvanced and latest trends in engineering and technologies like Robotics, Power systems, E- Mobility, 3D techniques and other new trends in Mechanical, Civil engineering, Management, Business, Administration, Humanities and Applied Sciences. This conference mainly provides a premier interdisciplinary platform for the researchers,educators and practitioners to present and discuss their authenic and innovative ideas,trends and concerns as well as challenges encountered and solutions adopted in the advanced fields of engineering and technology.

Scope of conference

The ICRAITMS-2020 aims to bring together leading academic scientists, researchers, industrial personnel and research scholars from all over the world under a roof to exchange and share their experiences and research results through brain storming sessions on current trends and latest innovations covering all aspects of Mechanical, Civil Engineering, Management, Business, Administration, Humanities and Applied Sciences. The conference will have keynote address from illustrious speakers and peer-reviewed high quality technical paper presentations.

The main objective of the conference is to build the network of engineering experts of respectiveresearch area and to increase the awareness of new trends happening in their field of interest. Itprovides a platform at the international level to present the innovative ideas in their disciplines.

About St. Martin’s Engineering College

St. Martin’s Engineering College, an Autonomous Institution, situated in an eco-friendly environment, with state-of-art infrastructure. College has achieved the prestigious grade A+ from NAAC, UGC Paramarsh mentor, NBA accredited, ISO certified, DSIR Recognition, Remote center of IIT Bombay, Member of CII and MSME certified Institution. Signed more than 82 MoUs with major companies’ and institutions.

Careers 360 Certified as AA+; Competition Success Review Ranked 3 out of 20; Career Connect Ranked 13 ‘Best Engineering Colleges of India and Wikipedia Ranked 8th in Telangana. The college is bestowed with the glorious Governor Award twice; The Engineering Educators' Award 2019; NIRDPR Award (Govt. of India); IDF Best Partner Award; Dewang Mehta Award; TCS ION Award; CSI Award (Students Chapter); Best Innovation by Federation of Gujarat Industries and Street Cause-Most Dedicated Division. Best Sports College by Stumagz, Telangana, National Leadership Excellence Award- 2019 by ICCI.