Technical association activities

Name of the event: Industrial Visit
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Online Guest Lecture
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Name of the event: industrial visit to Central Power Training Institute
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Name of the event: Unnat Bharat Abhiyan
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Name of the event: Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICAEEE-2023)
Date:15.12.2023 to 16.12.2023
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Third International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ICAEEE-2023)
Date:15.12.2023 to 16.12.2023
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Name of the event: Webinar on “Challenges in Electric Vehicles”
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Name of the event: Industrial visit to 9.04 MG RGPPL Solar Power Plant, Palamakula.
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Name of the event: A Two-Day Workshop on Entrepreneurship Opportunities in Electrical & Electronics Engineering
Date:12.10.2023 to 13.10.2023
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Name of the event: Industrial visit to Indian National Centre for Ocean Information Services (INCOIS)
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Name of the event: Two- Day workshop on Advances in Programmable Logic Controller (PLC)
Date:26.07.2023 to 27.07.2023
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Name of the event: Alumnni Talk on Opportunities for Electrical Engineers
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Name of the event: Industrial visit to National Geophysical Research Institute, Hyderabad
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Name of the event: "Alumni Talk on Future Scope for Electrical Engineers"
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Name of the event: Industrial visit to 220 KV Sub- Station, Jeedimetla.
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Name of the event: Recent Trends in Wind Energy Systems
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Name of the event: Industrial Visit to Arhyama Solar Power Plant(6 MW) - Aler
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Name of the event: Modelling and simulation of Dynamical System in Electrical Engineering
Date: 30-05-2022
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: A Two day Virtual Workshop on "Program Logic Controller (PLC) and its applications
Date: 27-05-2022 to 28-05-2022
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Industrial visit to 400/220/132/33 KV Substation, Malkaram
Date: 28-04-2022
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Online “International Conference on Advances in Electrical and Electronics Engineering” (ICAEEE – 2022)
Date: 30th & 31st March 2022
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Industrial visit to Devi Electronics
Date: 07-01-2022
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Name of the event: Green Energy & its Influence in the Market
Date: 30-12-2021
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Name of the event: Industrial visit to Hindustan Aeronautics Limited (HAL), Balanagar
Date: 15-12-2021
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Name of the event: Start up opportunities for electrical engineers in the Agriculture Sector
Date: 04-12-2021
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Name of the event: Industrial visit to Electric loco shed, Lalaguda
Date: 26-11-2021
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Industrial visit to Electric loco shed, Lalaguda
Date: 27-11-2021
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Name of the event: Online International Conference on “Recent Developments in Power Engineering (ICRDPE-21)”
Date: 09-07-2021 to 10-07-2021
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Name of the event: Online National level 2-Day Workshop on “Micro Grid Integration and Transmission towards Smart Grid Infrastructure
Date: 16-06-2021 to 17-06-2021
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Online National level 3-Day Faculty Development Program on “Startup Opportunities in Electrical and Electronics Engineering”
Date: 20-05-2021 to 22-05-2021
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Online International Conference on "Intelligent Systems, Electrical and Communication Technology-2021(ICISECT–21) “
Date: 09-04-2021 & 10-04-2021
Brief description about the event: The Online International Conference on "Intelligent Systems, Electrical and Communication Technology-2021 (ICISECT–21)" was hosted by the Departments of Computer Science and Engineering, Information Technology, Electronics and Communication Engineering and Electrical and Electronics Engineering. ICISECT-21 aims to provide a common platform to all the leading academic scientist, researchers, research scholarsto exchange and share their experience and innovative ideas in the latest technologies in different areas like Intelligence Systems, Power Electronics, Communication Technology etc..This conference provided an inter disciplinary platform for academicians, researchers and other experts from various fields to present their novel ideas, discuss their thoughts as well as the challenges encountered and solutions to be adopted in the emerging areas of engineering and technology. The Programme was Initiated by Patron Dr P. Santosh Kumar Patra. During his address note, Principal Sir emphasized the important role of conferences to build a proper career for researchers as well as academicians in advanced areas of engineering and technology. Later the event was corresponded by eminent keynote speaker,Chief Guest Dr Srinivas Nowduri, Professor, Department of Computer Information systems, Pueblo Community College, USA. Convenor of conference Dr. B. Hari Krishna, Prof. & HoD, ECE, Dr. N Ramchandra, Prof & HOD of EEEheaded the conference along with committee members.Around 200 faculty and research scholars from various engineering college/Universities were participated in the program from all over the country. Glimpses of the Event
The two-day conference i.e., on 09-04-2021&10-04-2021 was organized in two sessions perday. The Inaugural session started at 10:30AM by congratulating all the participants with a motivational speech followed by conference proceeding inauguration by the Patron Dr P. Santosh Kumar Patra, Principal, SMEC. Later a short and informative session was conveyed by Chief Guests Dr Srinivas Nowduri, Professor, Department of Computer Information systems, Pueblo Community College, USA. Sir delivereda wonderful session on “IOT Security” till 12:00PM.
As the aim of the conference was to create opportunity to academicians, research scholars to present their research and share their views, the time came, and all the participants presented their papers in the respective field heading by the Dignitaries as session chairs from 12:00 PM to 1:30PM. It is followed by the session II from 2:00PM to 3:30PM. The session was closed for the Day I.
On Day-2, session 3 was started at 10.30AM, as all the participants utilized the wonderful opportunity and participated very enthusiastically as the Day 1. The undergraduate students presented their innovative projects and utilized our ICISECT–21online platform. The faculties from various colleges also presented their innovative ideas in this platform.
The valedictory session was started at 2.00PM. The vote of thanks was given by Dr. B. Hari Krishna, Prof. & HoD, ECEcongratulating all the participants from various parts of the country. At the end of the Conference the proceedings were placed on the Website for the easy access to the participants. The feedback is collected from all the participants through google form. The response and experiences feedback were excellent from the participants and are interested to be the part of the event in the future.

Name of the event: An International Online 2-Day Workshop on Substation Automation system
Date: 09-01-2021 to 10-01-2021
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: An International Online 3-Day Workshop on Applications of Artificial Intelligence on Electrical Devices & Networks
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Name of the event: Online International Conference on "Recent Advances in Mechanical, Civil & Electrical Engineering (ICRAMCE-2020)"
Date: 19-06-2020 & 20-06-2020
Brief description about the event:

Name of the event: Online Webinar on Effective Methods for Reducing Fault Levels in Industrial Grid Networks
Date: 18-05-2020
Brief description about the event: The Department of Electrical and Electronics Engineering of St Martin's Engineering College has organized an Online Webinar on Effective Methods for Reducing Fault Levels in Industrial Grid Networks on 18/05/2020. This lecture was organized with an objective to upskill the faculty with potent methods for fault reduction in Industrial grids. The resource person for this event was Mr. T Vishnu Charan, DGM-Engineering, Electrical HOD for Oil and Gas Division, TATA Projects Ltd., Mumbai. The Webinar has started at 2.30 PM with a welcome note by Head of the Department. He welcomed the resource person and all the participants. In his welcome note Sir briefed about the college achievements, Department achievements and future plans. Around 449 faculty and research scholars from various engineering college/Universities were participated in the program from all over the country. Mrs. Sangeetha C N introduced the profile of resource person to all. The resource person started his lecture with introduction to fault current in Power System. Then he proceeded to Industrial distribution system and fault current of transformer due to impedance and fault reduction techniques. He also described about Series FACTS Devices and its real time applications with a case study and results. Faculties and students from various colleges had interacted with the resource person and clarified their doubts. The event concluded with vote of thanks by Head of the department. Success of the event is appreciated by Principal, Executive Director and Chairman.

Name of the event: Industrial Visit to 220 kV Jeedimetla Substation
Date: 24-09-2019
Brief description about the event: Department of EEE organized an industrial visit to 220kV Jeedimetla substation for III year students. The main objective of the visit to the 220kv substation was to give a real industrial experience to all the students. This industrial visit was planned as part of industry institute interaction to enrich theoretical with industrial knowledge. The Engineers of the unit explained the activities of the power distribution and transmission in detail and also the various equipment used in substation for transmission and distribution. Faculty members are also accompanied and guided the students.

Date: 12-03-2019
Brief description about the event: The industrial visit to Kistler Morse Automation was an overwhelming experience for the 3rd year students. It gave them an insight of the industry and how it works. The various products manufactured by the company fascinated the students. The atmosphere and workspace students noticed inside the Kistler Morse Automation was wonderful and inspiring for them to do better in life. The great technological experience the students had was of tremendous importance in showing a path to their budding ideas.
The staff and faculty at the company were very warm and friendly. They spared their valuable time and experiences for the students. It was a great learning experience interacting with the employees of the company. They spared no effort in explaining the students their products and technologies. On an whole the industrial visit to Kistler Morse automation company was a fun learning experience for the students.

Name of the event: One day workshop on, “Application of PSPICE software in Electrical Technology”
Date: 02-07-2018
Brief description about the event: One day workshop on Application of PSPICE software in Electrical Technology had been conducted in the Department of EEE by Mr.Manoj Kumar, Software consultant, ENTUPLE on 2/7/2018. In this session, electrical circuit analysis tool was explained briefly, which helps to simulate and extract the values of key parameters such as voltages, current etc. The important aspect of the session was designing the real time applications or projects with the components available in the commercial market. The design and analysis of various electrical circuits was done during the session. The Faculty had hands-on session with the tool. With this session the faculty had gained knowledge on exporting and importing various circuit functions from electrical software like MATLAB-SIMULINK, PSCAD and interconnecting to the real time projects through a programmable link like FPGA

Date: 27-02-2018

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department conducted a Guest Lecture on 27-02-2018 by Dr. B.P. SINGH, Rtd. G.M. B H E L R&D on “GAS INSULATED SUBSTATION (GIS)”. The lecture was on design of AIR INSULATED & GAS INSULATED SUBSTATIONS. He also explained the advantages of GIS over AIS and design aspects, construction features of GIS. It is one of the topics in POWER SYSTEM-I more through his lecture, students of B.Tech II Year and staffs have gained more knowledge on AIR INSULATED & GAS INSULATED SUBSTATIONS.

Industrial visit TO 132/33/11 KV SUBSTATION

St. Martin’s Engineering College had organized an industrial visit on 27th Jan 2018 to the substation 132/33/11Kv located at Jeedimetla for the students of B.Tech EEE III Year. The visit was organized with prior permission and guidance of Head of the Dept.. Dr. K. Shashidhar Reddy. V. Sunil Kumar , S.Trilochana and T.V.Sai Kalyani were Organizers, Ch.Srinivas is coordinators for this industrial visit.

Guest Lecture by Dr. B. MANGU
Date: 09-01-2018

Electrical and Electronics Engineering Department conducted a Guest Lecture on 29-12-2017 by Dr. B. MANGU, Professor, EEE Department, University College of Engineering, Osmania University on “RECENT TRENDS IN RENEWABLE ENERGY SOURCES”. The lecture was on design of Solar Panel using MPPT Technology and prepare the algorithm using MPPT Technologies.